Programa «Gender Net Plus»
- 1. Acknowledgement: Workforce developing new Law Dignity & Quality at the End of Life, with current Spanish Health Minister, experts in gender & caregiving, first female editor-in-chief of El País, and heads of local Public Health Services.
- 2. Presenting to stakeholders and community our research outcomes.
- 3. Radio programs about research transference in gender & quality of life promotion.
- 4. Dissemination conferences in rural communities.
- 5. Presenting research outcomes to media with main citizen associations’ representatives.
- 6. Visiting high-schools with ICT based research outcomes preventing gender violence.
- 7. University-Society Awards (2015). ADEIT, UV+GVA.
- 8. University-Society Awards (2015). ADEIT, UV+GVA.
- 9. SECPAL meeting in Madrid. Part of our KIBO group for interventions improving quality of life in patients and our dear colleague Shane Sinclair.
- 10.CSR Vitalair awards for patients’ asociations: improving quality of attention for patients.
- 11. Studying the added value of integrating postgraduated students with functional diversity in labour organizations
- 12. Presenting at MOTIVEM entrepreneurship contest in 2015. This year we (Sara, Joaquin, Ana & me) got the 3rd position!
- 13. Enjoying at MOTIVEM competition and networking with Valencian companies year after year.
- 14. Promoting our Liad@s app to prevent gender violence in adolescents
- 15. Promoting Liad@s on the air… with JJ Navarro.
- 16. Teaching abroad yearly (Perú and Dominican Republic ) an University of Valencia’s MD in international cooperation context.
- 17. Teaching at EVES (Valencia School of Public Health) during the 1st promotion of Certificate for Expertise in Assessment in Health Interventions.
- 18. During the visit to Valencia of European comissionate for regional development Corina Cretu.
- 19. At the gala of Awards to Research Transference to Citizens’ Quality of Life.
- 20. With Laura Galiana in her acknowledgement for PhD excellence, also with our dean and the head of Equity Unit for gender issues.